
% commands generated by html2latex


	\item \hyperlink{Basic_Editing}{1Basic Editing}
	\item \hyperlink{Text_formatting_markup}{2Text formatting markup}
	\item \hyperlink{Paragraphs}{3Paragraphs}
	\item \hyperlink{HTML}{4HTML}
	\item \hyperlink{Other_formatting}{5Other formatting}

\subsubsection{ Basic Editing }

You can format your text using wiki markup. This consists of normal characters like asterisks, single quotes or equation marks which have a special function in the wiki, sometimes depending on their position. For example, to format a word in \textit{italic}, you include it in two single quotes like \texttt{''this''}\hypertarget{Text_formatting_markup}{}

\subsection{ Text formatting markup }
\begin{tabular}\href{/index.php?title=Template:Hl2&action=edit&redlink=1}{Template:Hl2} |\textbf{Description} & \href{/index.php?title=Template:Hl2&action=edit&redlink=1}{Template:Hl2} |\textbf{You type} & \href{/index.php?title=Template:Hl2&action=edit&redlink=1}{Template:Hl2} |\textbf{You get} \\ 
\textit{applies anywhere} \\ 
Italic text & \texttt{''italic''} & \textit{italic} \\ 
 Bold text & \texttt{'''bold'''} & \textbf{bold} \\ 
 Bold and italic & \texttt{'''''bold \& italic'''''} & \textit{\textbf{bold \& italic}} \\ 
Escape wiki markup & \texttt{$<$nowiki$>$no "markup"$<$/nowiki$>$} & no ''markup'' \\ 
Fixed width text & 

$<$tt$>$Fixed width text$<$/tt$>$ & 

\texttt{Fixed width text} \\ 
\textit{only at the beginning of the line} \\ 
 Indent text & 

\texttt{:Single indent}
\\\texttt{::Double indent}
\\\texttt{:::::Multiple indent} & 
\begin{description}Single indent
\begin{description}Double indent
\begin{description}Multiple indent
\end{description} \\ 
Headings of

different levels $<$ref$>$An article with four or more headings will automatically create a \href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Section#Table_of_contents_.28TOC.29}{table of contents}.$<$/ref$>$ & 

\texttt{=level 1=}$<$ref$>$Use of a level 1 heading is \textit{\textbf{highly discouraged}} as it appears with the same formatting and size as the page title, which can be confusing.$<$/ref$>$
\\\texttt{==level 2==}
\\\texttt{===level 3===}
\\\texttt{====level 4====}
\\\texttt{=====level 5=====}
\\\texttt{======level 6======} & 

Level 1
\\Level 2
\\Level 3
\\Level 4
\\Level 5
\\Level 6
\\ \\ 
Horizontal rule & 

\texttt{----} & 

Bullet list & 

* one
\\* two
\\* three
\\** three and one-third
\\** three and two-thirds
\\ & 
	\item  one
	\item  two
	\item  three
	\item  three and one-third
	\item  three and two-thirds
\end{itemize} \\ 
Numbered list & 

# one
\\# two$<$br$>$spanning several lines$<$br$>$without breaking the numbering
\\# three
\\## three point one
\\## three point two
\\ & 
	\item  one
	\item  two
\\spanning several lines
\\without breaking the numbering
	\item  three
	\item  three point one
	\item  three point two
\end{enumerate} \\ 
 Mixture of bulleted
\\ and numbered lists & 

# one
\\# two
\\#* two point one
\\#* two point two
\\ & 
	\item  one
	\item  two
	\item  two point one
	\item  two point two
\end{enumerate} \\ 
Definition list & 

\\:item 1
\\:item 2
\\ & 
	\item[Definition] item 1item 2
\end{description} \\ 
Preformatted text & 

\nolinebreak\nolinebreakpreformatted text is done with
\\\nolinebreak\nolinebreaka space at the
\\\nolinebreak\nolinebreakbeginning of the line
\\ & 
preformatted text is done with
a space at the 
beginning of the line
\end{verbatim} \\ 
Preformatted text with no indentation & 

\nolinebreak$<$pre$>$ some preformatted text with no indentation $<$/pre$>$ & 

some preformatted
text with no indentation
\end{verbatim} \\ 
Blockquotes & 

\\text text text text text text text text text text text texttext text text text text text text text text text text text

$<$blockquote$>$  quote quote quote quote quote quote $<$/blockquote$>$

text text text text text text text text text text text text & 

\\text text text text text text text text text text text texttext text text text text text text text text text text text
\begin{quotation}  quote quote quote quote quote quote 

text text text text text text text text text text text text \\ 
Comment & 

\texttt{$<$!--This is comment--$>$} & 

\\Notes: $<$references/$>$\hypertarget{Paragraphs}{}

\subsection{ Paragraphs }

MediaWiki ignores normal line breaks. To start a new paragraph, leave an empty line. You can also start a new line with the HTML tags \texttt{$<$br$>$ or $<$br/$>$}.\hypertarget{HTML}{}

\subsection{ HTML }

Some \href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML}{HTML} tags are allowed in MediaWiki, for example \texttt{$<$code$>$}, \texttt{$<$div$>$}, \texttt{$<$span$>$} and \texttt{$<$font$>$}.

\href{/index.php?title=Template:Admin_tip&action=edit&redlink=1}{Template:Admin tip}


\subsection{ Other formatting }

Beyond the text formatting markup shown above, here are some other formatting references:
	\item \href{/index.php/Help:Links}{Links}
	\item \href{/index.php?title=Help:Images&action=edit&redlink=1}{Images}
	\item \href{/index.php/Help:Tables}{Tables}
	\item \href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_User_Page_Help/Do-It-Yourself/Formatting_Text}{More Formatting from Wikipedia}

