Video Games Archive Project


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Digital games (aka computer or video games) are currently ayoung medium. New also are developments in the areas ofpreservation, documentation/archiving, and exhibition of video gamehistory. Beginning in September 2012 the GRAND research group atthe University of Alberta has been exploring the practice ofdocumenting and archiving games. Here are some key aspects of thevideo games archive project to date:

We noted that a further issue beyond compiling information about games is the need to preserve the functionality of games as 'playable' artifacts - the latter is a complex and involved task recently being undertaken by

  • We recognized that the unique value of a particular physicalcollection of game paraphernalia is its localized and personalhistory, not simply gathering published items that in some casesmay the only of their kind still in existence.
  • We interviewed
  • One of our critical findings regarding the preservation of gaming materials is that

preservation of a game itself is insufficient; we need to also preserve the information thatcontextualizes the game and helps researchers achieve a more complete understanding of thegame???s significance and use.

complexity involved in preserving video games

Video games are a medium interdisciplinary in scope, synthesizing all forms of art and craft (material, procedural, and digitized) into artifacts that can be viewed and 'played' on a particular hardware 'platform.' The core distinguishing feature of games is their procedural interactivity

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