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There are two types of roles we have to pay attention. There are the proper roles that one is assigned in a project, but this list overlaps with roles we play in organizations. For example you could be a programmer in an organization or a programmer in a particular project. Or you could be a graduate research assistant who is taking on the project role of Interface Designer.\hypertarget{Project_Roles}{}

\subsection{ Project Roles  }

A list of roles within a project:
	\item  Project Manager
	\item  Programmer
	\item  Content Specialist
	\item  Graphic Designer
	\item  Interface Designer
	\item  Data Inputer
	\item  Stakeholder
	\item  User
	\item  Participant

\subsection{ Digital Humanities Roles }

Here are institutional roles that overlap with project roles.
	\item  Professor
	\item  Instructor
	\item  Graduate Student
	\item  Research Assistant
	\item  Undergraduate Student
	\item  Project Manager
	\item  Programmer
	\item  Librarian
	\item  Expert
