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	\item \hyperlink{Tactics}{1Tactics}
	\item \hyperlink{General_Tactics}{1.1General Tactics}
	\item \hyperlink{Familiarizing_with_Terms}{1.2Familiarizing with Terms}
	\item \hyperlink{Blogging}{1.3Blogging}
	\item \hyperlink{Facebook}{1.4Facebook}
	\item \hyperlink{Twitter}{1.5Twitter}

	\item  Blogs
	\item  Listserves
	\item  Email- or letter-writing campaigns
	\item  Petitions
	\item \href{|}{Petition Online}

\subsection{General Tactics}

\\\textbf{10 TACTICS for turning information into action}  developed by human rights activists \href{|Information}{Activism}
\\ 1. Mobilise people - bring them to action
\\ 2. Witness and record 
\\ 3. Visualize your message - picture it
\\ 4. Amplify personal stories  
\\ 5. Just add humor
\\ 6. Simplifying complex data
\\ 7. Use complex data
\\ 8. Use collective intelligence
\\ 9. Let people ask the questions
\\ 10. Investigate and expose
\\\textbf{The Virtual Activist 2.0: A Training Course}\href{|Virtual}{Activist 2.0}
	\item \href{|Part}{1: Introduction }
	\item  The big picture
	\item  Active and passive tools
	\item  Maximum impact
	\item  Part 2: Using Email for Outreach, Organizing, and Advocacy
	\item \href{|Part}{2A: The Fundamentals}
	\item  Elements of email advocacy 
	\item  Preparing an email action alert
	\item  Distributing an email action alert
	\item  Do's and Dont's
	\item  Cyberspace Netowrking
	\item  Intranets and Electronic Networks
	\item  Collaborative Discussion Tools
	\item  Chat and IRC
	\item  Instant Messaging
	\item \href{|Part}{2B: Mailing Lists}
	\item  Creating your email list
	\item  Using your regular email software
	\item  Other email list software options
	\item  Techniques for using email lists
	\item \href{|Part}{2C: Tips for Effective Online Media}
	\item  Tips for Effective Online Media
	\item  How to Create An Email Media List: A NetAction Guide
	\item  Using Your Email Address Book
	\item  Using the "Bcc" Field
	\item  Online Media Advocacy Resources
	\item  Media Advocacy Guides and Tool Kits
	\item  Online Media and News Services
	\item  Directories
	\item  Online Public Relations: Bibliography
	\item  Part 3: Web-based Advocacy and Outreach Tools
	\item \href{|Part}{3A: Basic Strategies}
	\item  Integration of email and Web tools
	\item  Web outreach
	\item  Web-based services for non-profits
	\item \href{|Part}{3B: Web Site Mini Trainer}
	\item  How to find a server for your organization's Web site
	\item  HTML
	\item  Javascript
	\item  Web content and accessibility
	\item  Web promotion
	\item  Additional tips
	\item \href{|Part}{4: Membership and Fundraising}
	\item  Your membership
	\item  Fundraising
	\item \href{|Part}{5: Privacy, Security, Copyright, and Censorship}
	\item  Privacy
	\item  Security
	\item  Copyright
	\item  Censorship
	\item \href{|Part}{6: Technology Planning}
	\item  What is Technology Planning?
	\item  Assessing Technology Resources
	\item  Leadership
	\item  The Planning Team
	\item  Technology Assessment Tools
	\item  Identifying and Prioritizing Technology Needs
	\item  Vision Statement
	\item  Budgeting
	\item  Timeline for Implementation
	\item  Writing the Plan
	\item  Funding for Technology

\subsection{Familiarizing with Terms}

\textbf{Digital activism glossary}
\\ From \textit{astroturf} to \textit{viral} and everything in between this website introduces readers to the specialized vocabulary of digital activism - originally published in the book \textit{Digital Activism Decoded - The New Mechanics of Change}. \href{|}{Digital activism glossary}\hypertarget{Blogging}{}


\\\textbf{Blog for a Cause! The Global Voices Guide to Blog Advocacy}\href{|}{Blog for a Cause!}
\\ Contents:
	\item  What is Blog Advocacy?
	\item  What are the different Types of Advocacy Blogs?
	\item  What Every Advocacy Blog Needs
	\item  Creating an Advocacy Blog
	\item  Make Your Blog a Centre for Action
	\item  Keep Yourself Safe

\\\textbf{Handbook for Bloggers and Cyber-dissidents} from Reporters without Borders \href{|}{For Bloggers and Cyber-dissidents}
\\ Contents:
	\item  Bloggers, The New Heralds of Free Expression
	\item  What's A Blog?
	\item  The Language of Blogging
	\item  Choosing the Best Tool
	\item  How to Set Up and Run a Blog
	\item  What Ethics Should Bloggers Have?
	\item  Getting Your Blog Picked Up by Search-Engines
	\item  What Really Makes a Blog Shine?
	\item  Personal Accounts
	\item  How to Blog Anonymously
	\item  Technical Ways to Get Round Censorship
	\item  Ensuring Your Email is Truly Private
	\item  Internet-censor World Championship


\\\textbf{A DigiActive Introduction to Facebook Activism} found on slideshare
	\item  Introduction
	\item  Pros \& Cons of Facebook Activism
	\item  Steps to Organizing an Activism Campaign on Facebook
	\item  Advice for Your Facebook Campaign
	\item  Great Facebook Campaigns from Around the World
	\item  Support the Monks' Protest in Burma
	\item  The Help Fouad Campaign in Morocco
	\item  The Free Kareem Campaign in Egypt


\\\textbf{The DigiActive Guide to Twitter for Activism}
\\ Contents:
	\item  Introduction
	\item  What is Twitter?
	\item  Twitter in the Real World
	\item  Use 1: Spreading the Word
	\item  Use 2: Social Media Campaigning
	\item  Use 3: Coordinating Collective Action
	\item  Use 4: Crowdsourcing
	\item  Use 5: Personal Security
	\item  Steps to Organizing an Activism Campaign with Twitter
	\item  Advice for Your Twitter Campaign
	\item  Applications that Help You to Use Twitter
	\item  Microblogging Alternatives to Twitter



\\\href{/index.php/CIRCA:Advocacy_Guide}{ Back to Advocacy Guide}

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