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	\item \hyperlink{Overview}{1Overview}
	\item \hyperlink{What_is_Text_Analysis}{2What is Text Analysis}
	\item \hyperlink{Purpose_of_Redesign}{3Purpose of Redesign}
	\item \hyperlink{Changes_in_TAPoR_2.0}{4Changes in TAPoR 2.0}
	\item \hyperlink{New_functions_in_TAPoR_2.0}{5New functions in TAPoR 2.0}
	\item \hyperlink{Audience}{6Audience}
	\item \hyperlink{Get_involved}{7Get involved}
	\item \hyperlink{References}{8References}

\subsection{ Overview }

\href{http://tapor.ca}{TAPoR2.0} is the a new version of TAPoR, which stands for Text Analysis Portal for Research. TAPoR 2.0 was officially announced in June 1st, 2012. The project is led by Geoffrey Rockwell, Kristen Uszkalo and Stephan Sinclair.

TAPoR2.0 is not a tool that users could run on texts to do analysis, it is a platform for users to discover text analysis tools and comment on text analysis tools. It has brief introductions of text analysis tools and links to them.

TAPoR is a gateway to the tools used in sophisticated text analysis and retrieval.\hypertarget{What_is_Text_Analysis}{}

\subsection{ What is Text Analysis
	\item  "Text analysis systems can search large texts quickly.  "Interactive" searching changes how you can work with the text ??? you can serendipitously explore without being frustrated by the slowness of the search process.
	\item  Text analysis systems can conduct complex searches. Text analysis systems often allow you to search for lists of words or for complex patterns of words.
	\item  Text analysis systems can present the results in ways that suit the study of texts. Test analysis systems can display the results in a number of ways."

(Rockwell and Lancashire, 2011)\hypertarget{Purpose_of_Redesign}{}

\subsection{ Purpose of Redesign
	\item  Improve tool discovery interface
	\item  Improve engagement with text analysis tools
	\item  Focus on the discovery and social use of text analysis tools
	\item  Better communicate information about text analysis tools
	\item  Provide an Application Programming Interface to other services
	\item  Gather and reflect data about tool usage

The??TAPoR??team has redesigned the portal to focus it on the discovery of text analysis tools.?? TAPoR 2.0 is really no longer a portal offering many services, but instead focuses on social tool discovery.\hypertarget{Changes_in_TAPoR_2.0}{}

\subsection{ Changes in TAPoR 2.0 }

From the TAPoR 2.0 Site:
	\item  Remove unused features and reduce complexity - Since TAPoR1.0 had been launched, the TAPoR group got feedback that it is too complex for new users and many of the features are not used. So in the new version, many redundant functions have been removed.
	\item  Focus the web site on doing one thing well ??? text analysis tool discovery. TAPoR2.0 now has a neat interface showing the pictures and links of text analysis tools.
	\item  Develop the site so that it is sustainable
	\item  Encourage social use from comments, to tagging and ???thumbs-up??? voting
	\item  Shift toward a centrifugal or outward facing resource with an API (Application Programming Interface)
	\item  Get rid of the need for accounts so that even social features can be used without getting an account -  We could tag and comment on tools. But we couldn't store and keep track of the results of analysis.
	\item  Unlike TAPoR1.0, users don't need to know a specific tool and search for it.

\subsection{ New functions in TAPoR 2.0
	\item  Discover text manipulation, analysis, and visualization tools
	\item  Read tool reviews and recommendations
	\item  Tag, comment, and review collaboratively

\subsection{ Audience

TAPoR2.0 is mainly designed for researchers of text analyzing. But it could also be used by specialists in any fields who need to do have an analyzing of a given text. It's also welcomed to all people who are interested in text analysis. It is designed also for developers who have finished text analysis tools, want to share with others and get feedback.\hypertarget{Get_involved}{}

\subsection{ Get involved

If you want to have an account and give feedback to the TAPoR team, or you're a developer and have some tools to share with other people, here's the way to get involved in TAPoR2.0:$<$/p$>$
	\item Send an email to Kirsten Uszkalo (circe@ufies.org) describing how you would like to be involved.
	\item Send an email to Kamal Ranaweera (kamal.ranaweera@ualberta.ca) and ask to be added to the email discussion group.

\subsection{ References }

\href{http://tada.mcmaster.ca/Main/TAPoR}{WikiTADA: TAPoR Portal Tour}
\\\href{http://tada.mcmaster.ca/Main/TAPoRRedesign}{WikiTADA: TapoR Redesign Project}
\\\href{http://tada.mcmaster.ca/Main/WhatTA}{Rockwell, Geoffrey and Ian Lancashire. ???What is Text Analysis???? 25 Sept. 2011.}
\\\href{http://tapor.ca/docs?name=about_tapor}{About TAPoR2.0}
