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LaTeX code for Radioteca

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	\item \hyperlink{ABOUT}{1ABOUT}
	\item \hyperlink{PURPOSE}{2PURPOSE}
	\item \hyperlink{INTERFACE}{3INTERFACE}
	\item \hyperlink{LANGUAGES}{4LANGUAGES}
	\item \hyperlink{AUDIENCE}{5AUDIENCE}
	\item \hyperlink{TECHNOLOGY}{7TECHNOLOGY}
	\item \hyperlink{FUNDING}{10FUNDING}
	\item \hyperlink{DEFUNDING}{11DEFUNDING}
	\item \hyperlink{REFERENCES}{12REFERENCES}

\subsection{ ABOUT }

The idea of \href{}{Radioteca} started in June 2004, at the II ???Foro Social de las Americas??? (Social Forum of the Americas). Some of the topics addressed in this event are: human rights, peace, poverty, hunger, corruption, democracy, indigenous people rights, social initiative \href{}{1}. In this forum, a group of radio producers met at \href{}{CIESPAL} -Centro International de Estudios Superiores de Comunicacion para America Latina (International Center for Higher Communication Studies for Latin America). One of the projects proposed during this event was a digital platform where people could share audios. In 2005, \href{}{UNESCO} held a reunion in Guadalajara to talk about  successful communication experiences in Latin America and Caribbean. Was until 2006, that \href{}{Radioteca}  was launched, being UNESCO a great contributor to the project.

\includegraphics{/AnnokiUploadAuth.php/e/ec/Radioteca-2.jpg}} Retrived from: \href{}{}


\subsection{ PURPOSE }

\href{}{Radioteca} is a digital platform designed to share and exchange radio productions in order to enrich each other. It is build by hundreds of stations, centers, networks, of Latin America and the world. All the audios are license ???free??? , meaning that it's possible to download, transmit and remix (following certain conditions, such as maintaining the author or who paid the publicity).



\includegraphics{/AnnokiUploadAuth.php/4/41/Radiotecavf.jpg}} Retrived from: \href{}{}

\\\href{}{Radioteca} has a Welcome page that includes:

	\item Welcome
	\item About Us
	\item Audios 
	\item Calendar 
	\item Directory 
	\item Training 
	\item Help
	\item Contact

\\Research engine:helps to find audio in the library (which includes more than 73,000 audios)

\\Audios catalog, classified by: 

	\item Topics-Category
	\item By Special dates
	\item By Format
	\item By language

\\A directory classified by:
	\item Types of media
	\item Media by country

	\item Books and manuals category


The interface is in Spanish, but there's a variety of audios in the  following languages: 
	\item Castilian
	\item Quechua
	\item Aymara
	\item Guarani
	\item Maya K'iche
	\item Wayuunaiki
	\item Mazateco
	\item Mixteco
	\item Qeqchi
	\item Qanjobal
	\item Chorti
	\item Peqomchi
	\item Kriol
	\item Tzotzil
	\item Tzeltal
	\item Kichwa
	\item Shuar
	\item Waorani
	\item Wichi
	\item Toba
	\item Nahuatl
	\item Miskito
	\item English
	\item French
	\item Galician
	\item Hebrew
	\item Portuguese
	\item Italian
	\item Yucateca
	\item Mam
	\item Kaqchikel

\subsection{ AUDIENCE }

Very wide audience, since it contains a great variety of contents.

Mainly for Latin American and Caribean people, given the prevalence of languages.\hypertarget{INTELLECTUAL_PROPERTY}{}


All audios in \href{}{Radioteca} , indicate the name of the author. (Gago, 2013, p. 255)

Although this platform is based in "shared rights", meaning that it's possible to download, copy and  broadcast the audios that are available in \href{}{Radioteca} , each audio has a specific license and its own terms and conditions of use. In order to enter to the license  and conditions of use of each audio, the user should click on the audio, then click on the "Comments" Icon and then click on "Read license". As shown below:

\includegraphics{/AnnokiUploadAuth.php/6/68/Licensevf.jpg}} Retrived from: \href{}{}

It is stated in \href{}{Radioteca} that all audios should respect "the credits" (the final line that recognizes the author of the audio), they should never be deleted or modified.\hypertarget{TECHNOLOGY}{}

\subsection{ TECHNOLOGY }


	\item Downloading audios from the platform (for free). 
	\item Doesn???t require any special software to download the audio. 
	\item Users can listen to audios  directly from \href{}{Radioteca} in their personal web page or blog. (Gago, 2013, p. 237)
	\item Before 2020 it was possible to upload and save audios in \href{}{Radioteca}. 
	\item Streaming was possible at a very low cost (Gago, 2013, p. 252) (not available anymore).


	\item It's banned to upload "partisan political publicity or religious proselytism " (Gago, 2013, p. 256).
	\item Contents should respect "human rights, cultural diversity and culture of peace "(Gago, 2013, p. 256). 
	\item Contents should "transcend the journalistic situation and very local areas so that they can be used anywhere and at any time" (Gago, 2013, p. 256). 
	\item Audios should be "clear and be in the following format: mp3, 128 Kbps/44.1 Hz ". (Gago, 2013, p. 256)


\subsection{ COLLABORATION}
	\item Collaborative work.
	\item Team in Chile and Ecuador update the webpage: \href{}{Num??rica Latina Red}\href{}{}


\subsection{ FUNDING }
	\item Theres no exact data of the origin of the funds for \href{}{Radioteca}, though it mentions some organizations that supported the initiative, such as:

\href{}{Radialistas Apasionadas y Apasionados}\href{}{UNESCO en Quito}\href{}{CAFOD}\href{}{HIVOS}\href{}{DW-Akademie}\href{}{Codigo Sur}\href{}{Roberto Soto}\href{}{Red de Radios Comunitarias y Software Libre}\href{}{}\hypertarget{DEFUNDING}{}

\subsection{ DEFUNDING }
	\item Theres no exact data of why the project in 2020 ran out of funds.
	\item Now a Days it's no longer possible to upload audios.
	\item There are still available more than 73,000 to listen and download

\subsection{ REFERENCES }

[1]\href{}{1} Tiempo, E. (2004, 06 29). El Tiempo. Retrieved from \href{}{}

[2] Gago, S. G. (2013). Manual Para Radialistas Analfatecnicos. La Paz: Ministerio de Communicacion del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia.

\href{}{Radioteca}Radioteca. (n.d.). Retrieved 10 2021, from \href{}{}

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