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LaTeX code for Personas and Scenarios

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	\item \hyperlink{Personas:}{1Personas:}
	\item \hyperlink{Primary_User:_Elena}{1.1Primary User: Elena}
	\item \hyperlink{Scenario_1:}{1.1.1Scenario 1:}
	\item \hyperlink{Scenario_2:}{1.1.2Scenario 2:}
	\item \hyperlink{Primary_User:_Nadia}{1.2Primary User: Nadia}
	\item \hyperlink{Scenario_1:_2}{1.2.1Scenario 1:}
	\item \hyperlink{Scenario_2:_2}{1.2.2Scenario 2:}
	\item \hyperlink{Primary_User:_Jason}{1.3Primary User: Jason}
	\item \hyperlink{Scenario_1:_3}{1.3.1Scenario 1:}
	\item \hyperlink{Scenario_2:_3}{1.3.2Scenario 2:}
	\item \hyperlink{Primary_Administrator_User:_Melanie}{1.4Primary Administrator User: Melanie}
	\item \hyperlink{Scenario_1:_4}{1.4.1Scenario 1:}
	\item \hyperlink{Scenario_2:_4}{1.4.2Scenario 2:}
	\item \hyperlink{Scenario_3:}{1.4.3Scenario 3:}
	\item \hyperlink{Secondary_User:_Bryan}{1.5Secondary User: Bryan}
	\item \hyperlink{Scenario_1:_5}{1.5.1Scenario 1:}
	\item \hyperlink{Scenario_2}{1.5.2Scenario 2}


The Ukrainian Folklore Audio Project???s website must be focused on usability for volunteers. The volunteers are members of the International Ukrainian community who will check out clips of folklore to translate or transcribe them. This will be an example of scholarly ???group-sourcing.???\hypertarget{Primary_User:_Elena}{}

\subsection{Primary User: Elena}\href{/index.php/File:Elena.jpg}{

Elena is 72-years-old, she and her parents left the Ukraine when Elena was 9. She has 5 children and 11 grandchildren. Sadly, Elena lost her husband three years prior (he was an Ukrainian immigrant as well). She lives by herself in Callingwood North. She does not know how to work the Internet, but her 17-year-old granddaughter (Rachel) can help her after school on Wednesdays. Elena can both read and write in Ukrainian, she learned this from her mother at a young age. She knows Natalie from the local Edmonton community and was invited to attend the website workshop for local Ukrainian community members. Elena wants to do this work and feel community pride at having that acknowledged on the website. She focuses on the stories her mama told her, like ???The Flowering Fern.???\hypertarget{Scenario_1:}{}

\subsubsection{Scenario 1:}
	\item Her granddaughter helps her login with the password and account Maryna set up for her at the workshop.
	\item They sort through and pick the story that Elena would like to transcribe. 
	\item Rachel reminds Elena how to select the audio clip and download it.
	\item She shows her Baba where they saved it (the desktop).
	\item They logout of the website, she doesn't need to be on the website because she downloaded the audio and is using her own word processor.
	\item Rachel then goes through how to work the audio controller, how to play, rewind, stop, pause, adjust the volume and fast forward for her Baba again.
	\item She then presses play on the recording for her grandmother.
	\item Elena listens to the story once, and then clicks on the play button to start it over.
	\item She transcribes the story on her desktop word processor. 

\subsubsection{Scenario 2:}
	\item The next Wednesday Rachel comes back to help Elena. 
	\item Elena has finished the transcription.
	\item They copy and paste the transcription into the transcription field and then press the submit button.
	\item Before Elena presses submit, she adds keywords.
	\item Elena then submits her document.
	\item After it has been approved by the editors it is released for viewing on the website.
	\item Elena???s name and transcription appear under the original audio clip. Another person can translate her document or Elena may wish to work on her own translation herself, she has that option on her account page 

\subsection{Primary User: Nadia}\href{/index.php/File:Nadia.jpg}{

Nadia is a 34-year-old woman who has pursued a career in law. She lives in downtown Toronto, in a two-bedroom apartment with a view of the CN Tower. Her parents are Ukrainian immigrants. She wants to connect with Ukrainian culture and found out about this project from Natalie in a newsgroup. Nadia emails Natalie to become involved with the Ukrainian Folklore Audio Project. She speaks Ukrainian fluently, but cannot write it very well. She will listen and translate the audio. \hypertarget{Scenario_1:_2}{}

\subsubsection{Scenario 1:}
	\item Natalie approves the credentials that Nadia provided after connecting with Natalie in a newsgroup, and sends her an email with an ID and password.
	\item Nadia goes to her email and clicks on the link that Natalie sent her.
	\item The public website comes up (in this scenario we provide the URL for the volunteer but it is available for everyone, they will be able to Google it). 
	\item She logs in with the email and password sent to her in that same email.
	\item She goes in and changes her password to something she will remember.
	\item At the Home page she goes to the list of songs and plays through the clips, upon hearing the one she wants, she clicks on it. 
	\item Nadia finds that the clip reminds her of her childhood, it is a lullaby.
	\item That leads her to the audio page. 
	\item On the audio page, there is a brief metadata blurb about the storyteller, and when and where the recording was taken. She clicks ???Check Out??? and because no one else is working on the clip, it is assigned to her. Now no one else can edit the record for this clip (but they can listen to it on the audio page). 
	\item She clicks select and because no one else is working on the clip, she checks it out by clicking on the clip, designation that she will translate it.   
	\item It would be nice if she could download the audio file on to her desktop. 
	\item She bookmarks the website.  
	\item She logs out.

\subsubsection{Scenario 2:}
	\item Nadia goes to the website through her bookmarked page. 
	\item She logs in. 
	\item She clicks on the word processor provided for members, which allows her to record and save the translation under her name on her account page.
	\item Opening the file, she presses play, and begins to listen.
	\item After missing parts of the second verse, she moves the time-traveler back and begins to listen again. 
	\item There are various options where she records the information, including Save, Submit, edit, etc.
	\item After her final review of the translation, she submits the work.
	\item The program prompts Nadia with a list of additional options to provide more data about a submitted work (these are optional).
	\item Adding metadata for the song.
	\item Enter key words to describe the lullaby. She chooses Child, Song and Dream.
	\item A Comment field to provide useful suggestions to the editors.
	\item Natalie or Maryna edit the submission. The clip has become available for others to work on transcription, no one can do the translation for this clip again (important because people are waiting to work on the song ??? they can listen to it even when checked out). 
	\item Finally the translation shows up on the website, below the audio clip.
	\item Nadia enters the question forum provided on the website to ask the opinions of other account holders about her translation.

\subsection{Primary User: Jason}\href{/index.php/File:Jason.jpg}{

Jason is a 38 year-old professor at Stanford University in Ukrainian Studies; he specializes in Slavic Languages and Literature. He lives near the University in the community of professorville (Palo Alto) in a townhouse with his wife. Natalie Kononenko and Jason correspond through email frequently due to their similar fields of research, and they have met twice at conferences. Natalie suggested to Jason that he might be interested in volunteering to participate in this project. He agrees and signs up to transcribe a story.\hypertarget{Scenario_1:_3}{}

\subsubsection{Scenario 1:}
	\item Jason types in the URL address and goes to the web page.
	\item He enters the password and ID that Natalie emailed him.
	\item He goes to audio clips and selects the story most interesting to him.
	\item He checks out the clip by clicking on the ???Check Out??? button.
	\item He listens to the recording.
	\item He makes notes of his findings, bookmarks the URL, saves the clip he wants to his account, and logs off (he has to go to a meeting).

\subsubsection{Scenario 2:}
	\item Jason logs on.
	\item He goes to his account, selects the recording, and clicks it open.
	\item That takes him to where the audio is played.
	\item He begins to listen and take notes on the word processor that the Ukrainian Folklore Audio Project provides.
	\item He is using Cyrillic to transcribe the audio.
	\item He finishes with the clip.
	\item He rereads his transcription and once he is happy with it, he presses submit.
	\item He enters in the key words, and important historical/relevant information about the story for the metadata.
	\item In the comment section he writes a quick note to Natalie about his thoughts on the project and his experiences with using the website.
	\item The transcription goes to the editors, and the clip is available for members and web surfers to read.
	\item The work with the metadata is posted.

\subsection{Primary Administrator User: Melanie}\href{/index.php/File:Melanie.jpg}{

Melanie is a 27-year-old graduate student at the University of Alberta in the Modern Language and Cultural Studies program. Melanie is a research assistant for the Ukrainian Folklore Audio Projects, and it is her job to go through the clips and section off the desired audio for the new website. Melanie will read and edit the transcriptions/translations to ensure the quality of each document.\hypertarget{Scenario_1:_4}{}

\subsubsection{Scenario 1:}
	\item Jason contacts Melanie to get involved with the Ukrainian Folklore Audio Project.
	\item Melanie sets up an account for Jason.
	\item She enters a password for Jason.
	\item She emails Jason the password and the id.

\subsubsection{Scenario 2:}
	\item Melanie signs on to the administrative page. 
	\item She checks on the new transcription/translation submissions.
	\item There is a new transcription by Elena.
	\item Melanie clicks on it to edit.
	\item She goes through the document checking for any transcription, spelling or grammar errors.
	\item To make sure the transcription is correct Melanie listens to the audio clip and checks the accuracy of the document.
	\item While Melanie is editing she takes notes, they are for scholars involved in the project. These notes allow for the discussion of the nature and progress of the research.
	\item When she is satisfied with editing Melanie releases the document to the main website, it will be available for others or the original transcriber to check out and translate. 
	\item Melanie signs out.

\subsubsection{Scenario 3:}
	\item A scholar asked Melanie to provide context for the story that is posted on the site.
	\item She signs on to the administrative page.
	\item She goes to the audio files, and selects the clip wanted by the scholar.
	\item She scrubs the file to include the 30 seconds on either side of the clip.
	\item She updates the adjusted clip in the scholars account.
	\item She logs off.

\subsection{Secondary User: Bryan}\href{/index.php/File:Bryan.jpg}{

Bryan is a 59 year-old who lives in London, England in the city of Westminster. He works as a librarian in the London Public Library, specializing in children???s literature. Bryan is proficient in three languages English, French and Ukrainian. He was surfing the web one day and came across the Ukrainian Audio Folklore Audio Project website. He decides he wants to participate. \hypertarget{Scenario_1:_5}{}

\subsubsection{Scenario 1:}
	\item He searches and finds the Ukrainian Folklore Audio Project on the web.
	\item He listens and reads the provided clips and text of Ukraine Folklore.
	\item Going to the contact area of the site, he emails Natalie with his interest in becoming a part of the project.
	\item Natalie requests his credentials.
	\item After being approved by Natalie, he is sent the confirmation email with his ID and password.
	\item He then proceeds to search the audio clips and text again to choose what he wants to work on.
	\item He chooses a transcription done by another participant, about a fairytale. 
	\item He starts to write a translation.

\subsubsection{Scenario 2}
	\item He has finished the translation of the transcription. 
	\item Bryan submits the work.
	\item The computer prompts him to add keywords, comments, and information about the story.
	\item After it has been approved by the editors it is released for viewing on the website.

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