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Open GWrit Personas and Scenarios

We are exploring how to update the existing version of GWrit to be an open version, which will not only be used by University students, but could be opened to the public as an online writing environment. The followings are the kinds of users who might be interested in GWrit.

1st Persona: Ellen


Ellen is 16 years old, she is a native English speaker. She isin Grade 11. She has some experience with computers, and has usedthe Internet for 7 years. She loves to play computer games. Shealso loves fan fiction, and joins a Harry Potter fans community.She heard about GWrit from the community. They are going to hold aWriting Marathon on GWrit.

Scenario 1:

Ellen has heard about an environment to help her writing called GWrit. She googles ???gwrit??? and gets the GWrit website.She watches the introductory video and decides to get an account. She clicks the ???Get an Account??? button and fills out her name, password, age, and email. The system sends her a confirmation email to activate her account. She then goes back to the site and logs in. She is greeted with a Welcome to GWrit panel which she reads. The panel walks her through what she can do. She can dismiss it whenever she wants.After reading the greeting panel, she clicks the ???Create Project??? button, and goes to a page where she could create a project.

Scenario 2:Ellen clicks ???Create Project???, a project panel pops out. She types the project name ???Harry Potter Marathon??? in the ???Project Title??? textbox, and she then types in the first task title ???Voldemort's rebirth??? in the task title textbox, which is under the project title. She feels that one task is enough, and has not gotten an idea of the second task, so she ignores the ???+???, which means to add new task to the project. She then clicks ???Save??? button.She then clicks the task title, and goes to the text editing page.

Scenario 3:Ellen thinks that it will be great to write a self introduction first, to allow people in the community know more about her.She then clicks the site ID ???GWrit???, and goes to the homepage.She clicks the project title ???Harry Potter Marathon??? she just created. The project panel pops out. She the clicks ???+???, and types in ???Self Introduction??? in the task title textbox. Then she clicks ???Save???.She feels that it will be better to switch the order of the two tasks. She then drags the ???Self Introduction??? above to the ???Voldemort's rebirth???.She then clicks ???Self Introduction???, and goes to the text editing page.

*Scenario 4:Ellen starts to type in some words in the textbox to introduce herself. She noticed that the ???Word Count??? updated simultaneously as she wrote words in the text box, and she feels it will be very useful in the writing marathon.After finishing the introduction, she titled this writing ???Ellen???s Introduction???, and writes the tile in the short text box above.She does not need to save the writing, as every word she wrote down has been saved automatically.She then clicks the ???Share??? button under the text box to publish this self introduction.She notices the search bar at the top right corner. When she hovers the cursor on the search bar, a hint appears saying ???search user by email account???. She decides to post her email in the Harry Potter fans community, so others could search her by her email account used to sign up for GWrit.

2nd Persona: Alex


Alex is 22 years old. He is an international undergraduatestudent majoring in Computer Science at the U of A. He has a strongbackground in computer operation, and has used the Internet for 10years. He is effective in verbal and written English, but has somedifficulties in academic paper writing. He signed up to GWrit, andhopes to improve his writing skills from feedback (commenting) fromfriends.Scenario 1: Alex clicks the GWrit url his friends sent tohim, and goes to the landing page of GWrit. As he already knowsGWrit???s basic functionality from his friends, he does not watchthe introductory video and clicks the ???Get an Account??? buttonimmediately. After getting an account, he logs in to GWrit. Hedismisses the greeting panel, and noticed that there are twobuttons at the left side of the page: ???Start Writing??? and???Import???.He then clicks ???import???, and an ???upload file???panel pops out. He browses files in his device and selects a paperto upload. After it has uploaded, the title of the new documentappears at the center of the page. He clicks the title, and goes tothe text editing page.He rewrites the title of the paper. He thinksthis paper needs to be revised a little bit before sharing it withothers.He then clicks the site ID at the top left, going to thehome page of GWrit.He clicks the ???Logout??? button at the topright corner, and logs out. Scenario 2:Alex opens GWrit through hisbookmarked page.This time, there is no greeting panel after he logsin. Alex clicks the document he imported yesterday.He clicks theAnalytics tab left of the text box.He chooses ???Word Cloud??? toanalyze this writing. Then the results show an image of thekeywords of his writing. Under the image, there are five key wordtags of the keyword, according to the analysis results. Alexnotices that the word ???human??? should not be a key word of hiswriting, he then clicks the little ???X??? to delete this tag.Afterrevised his text a little, he clicks the ???Share??? button toshare his writing with others.

3rd Persona: Sophia


Sophia is 25 years old, and new immigrant to Canada. She hasvery little knowledge of English. She has some experience withwebsite develop. She heard from her brother that GWrit provides awriting environment which might be helpful for her writing skills.Then she signed up for an account, and starts a writing challengewith her brother.

Scenario 1:Sophia asks her friend for the url of the GWrit website.She types the url in the address bar and goes to the GWrit homepage.She logs in with her new account.After logging in, Sophia types her brother???s email account in the search bar, and the result shows her brother???s user name.She clicks her brother???s user name ???Bob???, and goes to Bob???s page.She noticed that Bob has posted 15 writings. She clicks one of the writings titled ???One day in New York???, and starts to read this writing. Sophia then clicks the comment icon at the top right corner, and types in ???Such a wonderful day!??? in the commenting panel. She then clicks ???Submit??? button.Scenario 2:Sophia then clicks Bob???s user name at the top of the page, and goes to Bob???s homepage.She notices that Bob???s portrait at the top left corner of the the page is clickable. She then clicks Bob???s portrait and goes to Bob???s profile page.She saw that Bob is at level 5 now, and has got many badges.There is a writing report that shows the curve of the word count of Bob???s everyday writing. She saw that Bob writes more words on weekends, about 1500 words every weekend day. She clicks the ???Challenge??? button under Bob???s portrait.She then clicks the site ID ???GWrit??? and goes to her own homepage. She notices that a ranking list appears at the left of the page. Since Sophia only challenges Bob, there are only two users in the ranking list. The first is ???Bob??? with 757 words, and the second is ???Sophia??? with 0 words. The number is the user???s everyday writing wordcount. She clicks the ???Start Writing??? button, and her goal for today is 1000 words. She hopes that she will climb to the first in tomorrow???s ranking list.

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