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	\item Management Style: Plan the Party!
	\item Meet with Karl and I when there is something to show - programming - MEETING DECEMBER 3rd
	\item Work with Natalie to be able to amend the ethics proposal for HuCo - most important to get approval
	\item Ethics: Don't need them for the usability of the site, need ethics when report it (working with people and might embarrass them)
	\item Document for ethics: Who are the people I'm going to work with, how will those people be recruited and what I'm going to do with them. 
	\item Recruitment - see what they said in the original ethics.
	\item Interact in three ways 1. Questions - background, 2. Observe at a training session, 3. Interviews
	\item Need consent form
	\item Log how people use the system, build that in to the system. - what language is on the site, how are people warned about the site.
	\item 5 pages of text and associated pages
	\item Take outline and prepare it on wiki - so once get approval just cut and paste in.
	\item Trouble about logging - communicate to karl what we want logged
	\item Start talking to Natalie about the workshop (January maybe February)
	\item Lit review on Peter's Thesis
	\item Make a list from thesis to decide about what I want to skim and eventually make a preceses.
	\item New Year: Workshop, Ethics, Research Process, Lit Review, and Papers (first round of results).
