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	\item A hook - the question: can we use it for complex scholarly activities.
	\item 1. Background on Ukrianian UFAP
	\item Humanities crowdsourcing 
	\item Analysis it - the tasks are much more complex
	\item Slid that shows the long tale
	\item MIcro crowds ourcing - groupsourcing it was never the point to get a crowd but to get enough people to do it.
	\item Write it out - get it written and the slides done. 
	\item Practice, Practice, practice - memorize the first threee sentences - the start is key.
	\item Natalies email on the last slide - we were doing the digital humanities side.
	\item Demo not, slides. Screen cast on apple - free or demo version (sends out a ripple to show where clicked) - zoom in and show it. powerpoint slides. Screen shots as big as the screen.
