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LaTeX code for GWrit Tasks

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	\item \hyperlink{Testing_GWrit_.28Game_of_Writing.29}{1Testing GWrit (Game of Writing)}
	\item \hyperlink{Create_an_account_on_GWrit}{1.1Create an account on GWrit}
	\item \hyperlink{Create_a_project_for_your_paper_and_outline_the_paper}{1.2Create a project for your paper and outline the paper}
	\item \hyperlink{Start_writing_the_presentation}{1.3Start writing the presentation}

\section{ Testing GWrit (Game of Writing) }

Thank you for agreeing to test GWrit. This is a preliminary assessment of GWrit to get a sense of how it works and to get your opinions. Try to complete the following tasks talking them through. We are interested in what you are thinking while you try to figure out the game. 

There is a tutorial at \href{}{}\hypertarget{Create_an_account_on_GWrit}{}

\subsection{ Create an account on GWrit }

Go to \href{}{} and create an account for yourself. Try logging out and logging back in.\hypertarget{Create_a_project_for_your_paper_and_outline_the_paper}{}

\subsection{ Create a project for your paper and outline the paper }
	\item  Create a project for your GRAND 2012 SDH presentation. Give the project a name. 
	\item  Create a first ???Milestone??? to create an outline for your presentation.
	\item  Outline your presentation.

\subsection{ Start writing the presentation }

Use your outline to create milestones and tasks for the rest of presentation.

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