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This is a list of features and feature groups in the application. The purpose in listing these is to provide a way for Dr. Rockwell to rank them in order of importance with some context.

Note: PMT is Project/Milestone/Task 

	\item \hyperlink{1-2-3_signup.2Fsplash_page}{11-2-3 signup/splash page}
	\item \hyperlink{Tree_Navigation}{2Tree Navigation}
	\item \hyperlink{Main_PMT_interface}{3Main PMT interface}
	\item \hyperlink{Estimate_productivity}{4Estimate productivity}
	\item \hyperlink{Profile_menu}{5Profile menu}
	\item \hyperlink{Writing_tips}{6Writing tips}
	\item \hyperlink{Writing_stats}{7Writing stats}
	\item \hyperlink{Tag_search}{8Tag search}
	\item \hyperlink{Help}{9Help}
	\item \hyperlink{Competition}{10Competition}
	\item \hyperlink{Profile}{11Profile}
	\item \hyperlink{Awards.2Fachievements}{12Awards/achievements}
	\item \hyperlink{Notification}{13Notification}
	\item \hyperlink{Tutorial}{14Tutorial}
	\item \hyperlink{Feedback}{15Feedback}
	\item \hyperlink{Ethics}{16Ethics}
	\item \hyperlink{Done_popup}{17Done popup}

\paragraph{ 1-2-3 signup/splash page }

Sketch: GWRIT-MS3-3 pg 1
\\Provides brief description of the game, simple account sign up instructions, and existing account login.
\\\textbf{ Concerns }
\\\textbf{ Improvements }
	\item include a tutorial video

\paragraph{ Tree Navigation }

Sketch: most pages
\\Provides a visual indication of project scope, user location, and navigation.
\\\textbf{ Concerns }
	\item it doesn't scale beyond 20 or so items. With good organization, this can be minimized.

\textbf{ Improvements }
	\item drag and drop PMT ordering
	\item integrated progress bar to show what PMT states are at all levels
	\item simple indicator for task completion

\paragraph{ Main PMT interface }

Sketch: most pages
\\Provides access to important PMT information and functions: title, description, tags, main content, words/pages written and done/delete/export/save.
\\\textbf{ Concerns }
	\item repetition of done/delete/export/save seems like a good idea but causes space problems

\textbf{ Improvements }
	\item Timer and multimedia additions for PEARL v2
	\item through font style and colour, visually indicate which boxes are editable

\paragraph{ Estimate productivity }

Sketch: shown expanded GWRIT-MS3-3 pg 4
\\Provides opportunity for user to estimate the work involved in the given PMT.
\\\textbf{ Concerns }
	\item it makes the most sense if this panel is contextual, but it could become confusing. Repeating the PMT level within the panel might help or other visual technique
	\item progress bar was originally located inside this panel and is now repeated above the main PMT panel. It needs to be in both places, but again some visual distinction might be required.

\textbf{ Improvements }
	\item include a column for actual hours worked and actual pages/words finished that works similarly to the progress bar (automatically calculated unless the user changes it
	\item there are too many little boxes to fill out in this interface. Visualizing this productivity (in the vein of the progress bar) would be a vast improvement

\paragraph{ Profile menu }

Sketch: most pages
\\Provides access to profile information: login/out, username logged in, and a link to manage the profile.

\paragraph{ Writing tips }

Sketch: most pages
\\Provides random writing tips. Example tips will be included in the prototype.
\\\textbf{ Concerns }
	\item requires significant development to create useful writing tips

\textbf{ Improvements }
	\item drawn from external sources
	\item users add their own with a voting system so the good ones rise to the top

\paragraph{ Writing stats }

Sketch: most pages
\\Provides very basic textual record of writing and PMT progress.
\\\textbf{ Concerns }
	\item text-based is simple, but research shows that visual improvement is more powerful for increasing game-based drive

\textbf{ Improvements }
	\item graphical expression of same stats
	\item controls to allow user to select which stats to show
	\item automatically feature most impressive stat

\paragraph{ Tag search }

Sketch: GWRIT-MS3-3 pg 12
\\Provide results for searched tags so that users can quickly navigate to certain PMTs.
\\\textbf{ Concerns }
\\\textbf{ Improvements }
	\item multi-tag search
	\item multi-PMT edit, based on selected tags

\paragraph{ Help }

Sketch: Examples shown on many pages near the words/pages infomation at the bottom of the main PMT edit area
\\Simple pink\nolinebreak? icons with tooltip help to explain parts of the interface.
\\\textbf{ Concerns }
	\item these are appropriate for simple, 10 word or less, information. They should not be used very often or with more dense information. Every\nolinebreak? could indicate a place to improve the interface

\textbf{ Improvements }
	\item The first one has been placed beside the words/pages area to say 250 words/page. Where else should these be?

\paragraph{ Competition }

Sketch: MS3-Sketch-5.pdf pg 1-5
\\Provide basic competition interface with add/remove competitor and comparison of competitor statistics.
\\\textbf{ Concerns }
	\item My stats is not great. Perhaps "my log"
	\item "Add competitor" tab is more a control than a navigation so it might be better as a button. The trouble is a) where does that button go and b) where do you go when you press that button. Currently, the context is sensible and predictable to the user. Perhaps a combined approach like browsers do with the + beside the tabs for new tabs. Though when there are no competitors yet, the + will be ambiguous

\textbf{ Improvements }
	\item make information/views more contextual
	\item add instant message brag/chat
	\item more "live" information about competitor actions/progress

\paragraph{ Profile }

Sketch: MS3-Sketch-5.pdf pg 6
\\Provide basic profile functions for changing screen name, email, and password.\hypertarget{Awards.2Fachievements}{}

\paragraph{ Awards/achievements }

Sketch: MS3-Sketch-5.pdf pg 6
\\Provide award display for basic game-driven motivation.
\\\textbf{ Concerns }
\\\textbf{ Improvements }
	\item award-specific view for detailed explanation of award, date acquired etc.
	\item an impending awards panel (could be a way to provide missions/quests)
	\item a link to a list of all awards 

\paragraph{ Notification }

Sketch: MS3-Sketch-Notification.pdf
\\Provide control over user notification of system events (finished PMT, reminders of work to be finished etc.)
\\\textbf{ Concerns }
	\item This has no place in the menu structure at the moment. It will likely go in the profile menu (with profile and logout)
	\item I had hoped to get away with email as an archive of events, but we may need an event log somewhere in the interface. Mo features, mo problems.

\textbf{ Improvements }
	\item separate controls over each class of event (PMT finishes, awards, reminders, etc). The real challenge is the complexity of the interface. It might be simpler to contextualize this control, but you would still need a central place to view all of them.

\paragraph{ Tutorial }

Sketch: not sketched
\\Provide basic tutorial Project which walks the user through creating their first project.
\\\textbf{ Concerns }
	\item one-off creation is costly and not necessary in this case. In-context tutorial will provide the necessary information but will not require changes to the engine. Further, doing the tutorial while creating the first project will encourage use of the system rather than completing a specialized tutorial that gives knowledge but no useable results.

\textbf{ Improvements }
	\item timed help messages to direct attention to remaining goals
	\item animations to improve clarity

\paragraph{ Feedback }

Sketch: not sketched
\\Provide mechanism for users to give feedback on the whole interface. It will likely be a link somewhere in the interface though it's not clear where.
\\\textbf{ Concerns }
	\item this presumes some "in the wild" use which will not happen until later versions

\textbf{ Improvements }
	\item contextual feedback would be great, but it would require designing a feedback icon (like the\nolinebreak?) so it could be added easily to areas that are already visually and informationally complex

\paragraph{ Ethics }

Sketch: not sketched
\\Provide basic ethics brief before users complete their signup and email them a copy.
\\\textbf{ Concerns }
	\item implementation team has not yet received the text of this, but it should easily editable anyway (for subsequent projects). Either a simple text file or something in the database

\textbf{ Improvements }
	\item include a brief demographics survey
	\item it would be nice to give them a debrief, but the timing of that is tricky. Could possibly do it based on time using the system (1 hour typing or something).

\paragraph{ Done popup }

Sketch: not sketched
\\Provide an informational popup with optional "Brag" box for competitors when users click "Done" on a PMT.
\\\textbf{ Concerns }
	\item can't provide both bragging and feedback boxes. We'll be lucky if they write anything in there let alone two separate things with two separate tones (one flippant, one serious)

\textbf{ Improvements }
	\item can be used to notify the user about new awards they've just won
