CIRCA:Ethics Correction


Revision as of 13:05, 4 February 2011 by MeganSellmer (Talk | contribs)
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2.1 Study Objectives and Design

Describe ethic procedures with the end of project interviews.

  • One on one in person interviews
  • Will they be recorded or transcribed?
  • Add another questionnaire for the interview.
  • Add informed consent for the end-of-project interviews.

We need to add a project timeline for the participants in the informed consent document.

  • Workshop/questionnaire, types of data they will be expected to input in the website, and the final interview.
  • This is to give the participants a complete picture of the entire study.

The distribution of tasks.

  • Who will be connecting the interviews?
  • What is our role as a PI along side Natalie.

Will the edited translations or transcriptions be sent to the participants to approve them before they are posted?

If we want to learn the participants’ perception of group sourcing, we need to define it (and indicate this aspect we want to learn).

Examples of each type of questions – for the survey, format for online data entry, and interview questions should be included.

In attachment, fix the REB listing to ASL REB

4.4 Informed Consent Determination

Information about the end of the project interviews.

We state that the participants can choose to remove themselves and their work at any time.

  • We need to include it in the letter of initial contact and the consent form.
  • What information can and cannot be withdrawn?

Include what exactly will be on the Internet?

5.6 Sound or Image (other than audio- or video-taped interviews) or Material Created by Participants

We should have the default for crediting submitted works as anonymous, and only connect the names of the participants to their work if they expressly state.

  • This is contrary to Natalie’s Ethics.
  • Reason we link their names directly to their work is to give the participants a sense of cultural pride by contributing to the field.

Problem: We state that the researchers will look at the work anonymously, but what is to stop them from going on to the site and connecting the dots between author and work.

  • Or will we know those that choose not to remain anonymous, and not know those who did – publishing none of the names
  • Can readers of articles connect who the author is in the research through our description?

Will the participant’s names be connected with the comments, questions and report a problem?

6.2 Data Identifiers

2.0: When and in what format (orally, through a written questionnaire, etc) will these questions be posed to participants? What is their relevance to your research? Why are they not included in your questionnaire?

4.0: Should we keep the participants names or use coded numbers?

6.3 Data Confidentiality and Privacy

Ad information regarding the end of project interviews.

3.0: A confidentiality agreement will be signed at the beginning of volunteer participation.

6.4 Data Storage, Retention, and Disposal

Question: Is the data going to be transferred from the TAPoR database? If yes, how will that work?

Add to 2.0: The files will be erased after five years.

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