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LaTeX code for Epidemiology of Ideas resources

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	\item \hyperlink{Research_Literature}{1Research Literature}
	\item \hyperlink{Epidemiology_in_space_and_time}{1.1Epidemiology in space and time}
	\item \hyperlink{Epidemiology_beyond_communicable_disease}{1.2Epidemiology beyond communicable disease}
	\item \hyperlink{Culturomics}{1.3Culturomics}
	\item \hyperlink{Geographic_Approaches}{1.4Geographic Approaches}
	\item \hyperlink{Text_Analysis_and_Machine_Learning}{1.5Text Analysis and Machine Learning}
	\item \hyperlink{Diffusion_of_Innovation_theory_in_business}{1.6Diffusion of Innovation theory in business}
	\item \hyperlink{Social_Physics.2C_Econophysics.2C_Agent-Based_Modeling}{1.7Social Physics, Econophysics, Agent-Based Modeling}
	\item \hyperlink{Some_skeptical_rejoinders}{1.8Some skeptical rejoinders}
	\item \hyperlink{Examples_and_Tools}{2Examples and Tools}
	\item \hyperlink{University_of_Chicago_Knowledge_Lab}{2.1University of Chicago Knowledge Lab}
	\item \hyperlink{Tools}{2.2Tools}
	\item \hyperlink{Other_Potentially_Useful_Articles}{3Other Potentially Useful Articles}
	\item \hyperlink{For_Followup}{4For Followup}

\subsection{Research Literature}\hypertarget{Epidemiology_in_space_and_time}{}

\subsubsection{Epidemiology in space and time}
	\item AvRuskin, Gillian A., et al. "Visualization and exploratory analysis of epidemiologic data using a novel space time information system." International Journal of Health Geographics 3.1 (2004): 26. \href{}{link}

\subsubsection{Epidemiology beyond communicable disease}
	\item Christakis, Nicholas A., and James H. Fowler. 2009. "Social network visualization in epidemiology." Norsk Epidemiologi 19(1): 5-16. \href{}{link}.
	\item Christakis, Nicholas A., and James H. Fowler. "Social network visualization in epidemiology." Norsk epidemiologi= Norwegian journal of epidemiology 19.1 (2009): 5.\href{}{link}.
	\item More articles by Christakos and his Human Nature Lab: \href{}{link}

	\item Michel, Jean-Baptiste, et al. "Quantitative analysis of culture using millions of digitized books." Science 331.6014 (2011): 176-182. \href{}{UAlberta Library link}
	\item Chris Harrison's visulizations \href{}{gallery link}. "Word Associations" and "Word Spectrum" specifically.

\subsubsection{Geographic Approaches}
	\item Moretti, Franco. \textit{Atlas Of The European Novel, 1800-1900 / Franco Moretti}. n.p.: London\nolinebreak: New York\nolinebreak: Verso, 1998., 1998. \href{}{UAlberta library link}

\subsubsection{Text Analysis and Machine Learning}
	\item Plaisant, Catherine, et al. "Exploring erotics in Emily Dickinson's correspondence with text mining and visual interfaces." Proceedings of the 6th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries. ACM, 2006. \href{}{link}
	\item Ruecker, S., S. Sinclair, and M. Radzikowska. "Designing data mining droplets: New interface objects for the humanities scholar." Digital Humanities Quarterly 3.3 (2009). \href{}{link}
	\item Argamon, Shlomo, and Mark Olsen. "Words, patterns and documents: experiments in machine learning and text analysis." Digital Humanities Quarterly 3.2 (2009). \href{}{link}

\subsubsection{Diffusion of Innovation theory in business}
	\item Rogers, E. M. (2003). Diffusion of Innovations, 5th Edition (Original.). Free Press.
	\item Rogers, E. M. (2004). A Prospective and Retrospective Look at the Diffusion Model. Journal of Health Communication, 9(sup1), 13???19. doi:10.1080/10810730490271449

Everett Rogers is the foundational researchers in diffusion theory.  His book Diffusion of Innovations was originally published in the 1970s and summarized the field up to then.  Since then he has updated it regularly.
	\item Strang, D., \& Soule, S. A. (1998). Diffusion in Organizations and Social Movements: From Hybrid Corn to Poison Pills. Annual Review of Sociology, 24(1), 265???290. doi:10.1146/annurev.soc.24.1.265.  Summary article from the Annual Review

\subsubsection{Social Physics, Econophysics, Agent-Based Modeling}

There is a significant field of researchers who have engaged with the idea of social contagion and diffusion from the disciplines of economics and physics.  Many of these papers are published in the  Papers in this area can also be found within the subjects of complexity, agent-based modeling, even chaos.
	\item  Recent articles in Social and Information Networks, cs.SI.  \href{}{}
	\item  Recent articles in Physics and Society, soc-ph. \href{}{}
	\item  A search for articles with keyword 'contagion' \href{}{}
	\item  Searching by epidemiology at arxiv finds many articles that are on disease epidemiology.

\subsubsection{Some skeptical rejoinders}
	\item  Shalizi, C. R., \& Thomas, A. C. (2011). Homophily and Contagion Are Generically Confounded in Observational Social Network Studies. Sociological Methods \& Research, 40(2), 211???239. doi:10.1177/0049124111404820.  Shalizi and Thomas present mathematical and statistical reasons for why it is difficult to distinguish homophily (people with like traits grouping together) from contagion (people spreading trait/idea from one person to another).
	\item  A link to literature collected by Shalizi on the topic.  \href{}{\textasciitildecrshalizi/notebooks/social-contagion.html}


\subsection{Examples and Tools}\hypertarget{University_of_Chicago_Knowledge_Lab}{}

\subsubsection{University of Chicago Knowledge Lab}
	\item \href{}{link}
	\item \href{}{Current Projects} These are works in progress. There aren't any publications yet, but they are worth following, especially \href{}{The Aesthetics of Explanation}, \href{}{Lives of Concepts}, \href{}{Optimal Matching}, \href{}{Representations of Knolwedge}, and \href{}{Schools of Thought}.
	\item Vilhena, Daril A., et al. "Finding Cultural Holes: How Structure and Culture Diverge in Networks of Scholarly Communication." Sociological Science 1 (2014): 221-238.\href{}{link}
	\item Evans, James A., and Jacob G. Foster. "Metaknowledge." Science 331, no. 6018 (February 11, 2011): 721???725. [\href{}{} link

	\item \href{}{SocioWorks}
	\item \href{}{WIcker} (Wikipedia Idea scraper)

\subsection{Other Potentially Useful Articles}
	\item Goldstone, Andrew and Ted Underwood. "The Quiet Transformations of Literary Studies: What Thirteen Thousand Scholars Could Tell Us." (2014). \href{}{link}
	\item Goldstone, Andrew, and Ted Underwood. "What can Topic Models of PMLA Teach Us About the History of Literary Scholarship?." Journal of Digital Humanities 2.1 (2012): 39-48. \href{}{link}
	\item \href{}{More articles by Underwood and Goldstone}
	\item \href{}{Ted Underwood's blog}, addressing relevant ideas, often with visualizations.
	\item Drucker, Johanna. "Humanities approaches to graphical display." Digital Humanities Quarterly 5.1 (2011). \href{}{link}
	\item Bollen, Johan, et al. "Clickstream data yields high-resolution maps of science." PLoS One 4.3 (2009): e4803. \href{}{link}
	\item So, Richard Jean, and Hoyt Long. "Network Analysis and the Sociology of Modernism." boundary 2 40.2 (2013): 147-182. \href{}{link}
	\item Wang, Dashun, Chaoming Song, and Albert-L??szl?? Barab??si. "Quantifying long-term scientific impact." Science 342.6154 (2013): 127-132. \href{}{link}
	\item Schich, Maximilian, et al. "A network framework of cultural history." science 345.6196 (2014): 558-562. \href{}{[1]}

\subsection{For Followup}
	\item Stanford Lit Lab
	\item University of Maryland Human-Computer Interaction Lab
	\item MITH
	\item ARTFL
	\item \textit{Visual Display of Quantitative Information}, Tufte
	\item \href{}{The Software Studies Initiative} visualizations.

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