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\section{Conceptual Framework for Modeling, Assessing and Supporting Competencies within Game Environments}

Shute, V. J., Masduki, I., \& Donmez, O. (2010). Conceptual Framework for Modeling, Assessing and Supporting Competencies within Game Environments. Technology Instruction Cognition and Learning, 8(2), 137???161. Retrieved from: \href{http://myweb.fsu.edu/vshute/pdf/TICL2010.pdf}{http://myweb.fsu.edu/vshute/pdf/TICL2010.pdf}

Shute et al. describe a conceptual framework and tools for ???modeling, assessing, and supporting important competencies via assessments embedded within immersive games???. (pg. 138) The framework takes the existing evidence-centered-design (ECD ) formulated by Mislevy, Steinberg, and Almond (2003) and employ Bayesian networks (Pearl, 1988) and extends ECD by embedding evidence-based assessments within interactive enviroments.

???The steps of this approach involve the following: (a) define the competency model for systems thinking; (b) determine indicators of the low-level nodes in the CM relative to particular game actions; (c) specify scoring rules for the indicators; and (d) develop evidence models that statistically link the indicators to particular nodes in the CM via Bayes nets (or any other method for accumulating evidence).??? (pg. 156)
