Assessment Framework


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(Tentative) Assessment Framework Questions

Use these question categories in the process of answering your own questions relevant to a specific project.Fill in category sub-questions as best you can, add your own or skip questions as needed.


  • Who are the stakeholders?
  • Who is the targeted audience for the game?
    • What will the audience take away from the game?
  • Is there a market or test group available, already existing or in demand?
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • Does working with these stakeholders require REB ethics clearance?


  • What is the main purpose of the project?
  • What are the stakeholders??? main goals?
    • Can one stakeholder???s expectations be met while meeting another???s?
      • What would be the requirements of success?


  • What is deliverable?
  • What is the budget?
  • What is the length of time it would take to build and run the game?
    • Is there a deadline? Or can this project be delayed?
  • Is there previous work, either ours or another group???s, in this area?
  • How long should the project be able to last?


  • Does the game work?
    • What doesn't work?
  • Should the game be more intuitive or instructional?
    • How quickly will the target audience be able to learn the game?
  • If the project is repeatable, will we learn new things or benefit from running the game again?


  • Who and how do we want to give or receive feedback?
  • What would be the most efficient method - time and resource wise - of gathering assessment data?
    • Should there be multiple feedback tools available?

Misc. categories (fun, education, technology, etc...)

  • What are measurable variables that can be defined as '____'?
  • Can the game teach anything different than a textbook, class, or other resources?
    • Can this game teach something that can be gained through other resources in a way that the targeted audience finds preferable?
  • Is there technology involved? Or theory?
  • Do we need to advertise?

Other Frameworks

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has a long list of items - have a feeling that these are at different levels of importance so we should read through and sort.

Bits of advice that could be part of a framework content

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