Viral Analytics questionnaire


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Content inserted. (9 Occurances)
Content structure inserted. (9 Occurances)
Content changed. (9 Occurances)

1. How familiar are you with Voyeur, a text analysis tool?

1=not familiar 2=somewhat familiar 3=very familiar 4=never used it before

2. Does your journal see voyeur as a useful tool for text analysis?

3. Would your journal be interested in testing out voyeur by embedding it in your journal?

For questions 4-11 please answer as to what would be important for an embedded tool in your journal.

4. The use texts in a variety of formats including plain text,HTML, XML, PDF, RTF and MS Word.

1=not important 2=somewhat important 3=very important 4=notapplicable

5. The option to add texts from different locations, including URLs and uploaded files to compare to the article.

1=not important 2=somewhat important 3=very important 4=not applicable

6. Perform lexical analysis including the study of frequency and distribution data.

1=not important 2=somewhat important 3=very important 4=notapplicable

7. Export data into other tools (as XML, tab separated values,etc.)

1=not important 2=somewhat important 3=very important 4=notapplicable

8. More advanced linguistic processing (lemmatization, parts of speech, semantic awareness)

1=not important 2=somewhat important 3=very important 4=not applicable

9. XML-aware analytic features

1=not important 2=somewhat important 3=very important 4=notapplicable

10. Proximity searching of terms

1=not important 2=somewhat important 3=very important 4=notapplicable

11. Multi-word (n-gram) views

1=not important 2=somewhat important 3=very important 4=notapplicable

12. Are there any features not mentioned above that would be important in your journal?

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