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LaTeX code for Margaret Covach.“Conversational Method in Indigenous Research.”

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\LARGE \textbf{Margaret Covach, ???Conversational Method in Indigenous Research???, First Peoples Child \& Family Review, Volume 5, Number 1, 2010, p. 40-48.} \normalsize

This articles explores the use of conversation as a research method when doingIndigenous research as a reflection upon two qualitative research projects. This conversational method is a means of gathering knowledge in oral story telling tradition congruent with an Indigenous paradigm. (40) The author used the allegory of a nest holding chicks/hatchlings to exemplify how a research project that incorporates Indigenous methodology ???the paradigm (nest) would be Indigenous knowledges with specific contextual knowledge assumptions emerging from a particular tribal knowledge base.??? (41) The author also make note of the characteristics of conversational method such as being purposeful, informal, flexible, collaborative, dialogic and reflexive. (43) After a brief examinations of the two projects, the paper then moved on to the discussion of researcher in-relation with the participant by using conversational method (46) and point out the direct inter-relationship between method, ethics and care. Some guidelines resources were given such as one provided by the Canadian Institute of Health Research. The risk of doing conversational method was also brought up with dilated solutions evolving from cautious preparation.

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