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LaTeX code for List of Management Philosophies

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This is a list of management styles, approaches and philosophies from the official ones you should know about to the unofficial ones that describe what often happens.
	\item \href{/index.php/CIRCA:Brainstorming}{ Brainstorming} is a common way for teams to generate a lot of creative ideas quickly.
	\item \href{/index.php/CIRCA:Mushroom_Management}{ Mushroom Management} is the philosophy of "keep them in the dark and feed them sh*t". It works in ways you can learn from.
	\item \href{/index.php?title=CIRCA:Celebration_Management&action=edit&redlink=1}{ Celebration Management} is a philosophy of planning from the final party. It emphasizes celebrating what is done and imagining what you might celebrate.
	\item \href{/index.php/CIRCA:Agile_Management}{ Agile Management} is a class of management techniques that overturn the normal emphasis on planning in favor of short rapid and iterative planning and execution. An example would be the \href{/index.php/CIRCA:Scrum}{ Scrum framework}.

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