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John's First Encouter

Persona: John is a graduate student who is comfortable with computers. He has various writing projects on the go, including a thesis. He likes to procrastinate by surfing the web and reading up on digital humanities projects. He follows twitter and tweets occasionally.

Scenario 1: First Encounter

  1. John hears about the Writing Game on twitter and follows the link to the site.
  2. He clicks on the "3 Minutes About the Writing Game" video box to get a quick overview of the game.
  3. He decides to try it and gets and account using the form on the page. The game sends him an account activation email that, when he clicks it takes him to a page that goes over the ethics issues. He has to click "I have read and agreed with the terms of this game" in order to continue.
  4. He is now in the main page you get when you log in. This page gives him a couple of choices for new Projects he wants to start. Each of the possible projects includes a short description. The choices include: "Write a book", "Write an article", "Try Perl Writing", and "Customize your project".
  5. He clicks "Write an article" and it opens the New Project definition page that lets him customize how he wants to define this project. He fills in the title with "Article on Plato". He fills in how many pages the article should be (he can actually choose pages or words as the unit). In the case of an article length project there are no Milestones, just tasks. The definition page prompts him to explain the project in the "What I'm going to do" field and then to identify the major tasks giving him 5 fields to do so. The definition also prompts him for the deadline date. All of this can be changed if he clicks on the project again and then clicks edit.
  6. He is then prompted to use the outline on the right to click one or more tasks. These are the tasks he filled out in the first definition page. He clicks on them exploring what his choices are.
  7. He decides to flesh out the "What I'm going to do" for each of the tasks. He also assigns deadlines for the individual tasks.
  8. He is so motivated by this that he cuts and pastes text from the Word document where he had been writing the paper. This allows him to actually click Done on one of the tasks (Write Literature Review).
  9. When he clicks Done he is prompted to comment on what was done and to identify approximately how many pages he has finished.
  10. He goes back to the Project page which now has statistics on how far done he is. It tells him that he has finished one of five tasks in one day. It also tells him how many pages are done and lets him use the slider to give his own sense of how done he is.
  11. He logs out and tweets that he is playing with HARE.
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