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This page outlines the Project management course I teach, HuCo 530 Project Design \& Management in Humanities Computing

-$>$\textbf{Course Description}: Humanities Computing research is unlike traditional humanities research in many respects: the scope of projects usually extends beyond the single-scholar research model, the computer tools needed for research are expensive and the technology changes rapidly, electronic publishing is a largely unknown and expensive undertaking rarely tackled by conventional print publishers, and electronic research requires updating and maintenance beyond project funding. This course will prepare students for the various aspects of designing, implementing, managing, and maintaining a Humanities Computing research project.

	\item \hyperlink{Topics}{1Topics}
	\item \hyperlink{What_is_a_project.3F}{1.1What is a project?}
	\item \hyperlink{Types_of_Projects_in_DH}{1.2Types of Projects in DH}
	\item \hyperlink{Communication_in_a_Project}{1.3Communication in a Project}
	\item \hyperlink{Starting_a_Project}{1.4Starting a Project}
	\item \hyperlink{Planning_a_Project}{1.5Planning a Project}
	\item \hyperlink{Estimating_Projects}{1.6Estimating Projects}
	\item \hyperlink{Managing_a_Project}{1.7Managing a Project}
	\item \hyperlink{Ending_a_Project}{1.8Ending a Project}
	\item \hyperlink{Data_Curation_and_Data_Management_Plans}{1.9Data Curation and Data Management Plans}
	\item \hyperlink{Managing_People}{1.10Managing People}
	\item \hyperlink{Project_Management_Strategies}{1.11Project Management Strategies}
	\item \hyperlink{Tools_and_Resources}{1.12Tools and Resources}

\subsection{ Topics }\hypertarget{What_is_a_project.3F}{}

\subsubsection{ What is a project? }\hypertarget{Types_of_Projects_in_DH}{}

\subsubsection{ Types of Projects in DH }\hypertarget{Communication_in_a_Project}{}

\subsubsection{ Communication in a Project }\hypertarget{Starting_a_Project}{}

\subsubsection{ Starting a Project }
	\item  Pitching a Project

\subsubsection{ Planning a Project }
	\item  Project Plans
	\item  Timelines

\subsubsection{ Estimating Projects }\hypertarget{Managing_a_Project}{}

\subsubsection{ Managing a Project }\hypertarget{Ending_a_Project}{}

\subsubsection{ Ending a Project }\hypertarget{Data_Curation_and_Data_Management_Plans}{}

\subsubsection{ Data Curation and Data Management Plans }\hypertarget{Managing_People}{}

\subsubsection{ Managing People }
	\item  Hiring people

\subsubsection{ Project Management Strategies }
	\item  Agile Project Management

\subsubsection{ Tools and Resources }
	\item  Project Management Tools
