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centerNet is an international network of digital humanities centers formed for cooperative and collaborative action to benefit digital humanities and allied fields in general, and centers as humanities cyberinfrastructure in particular. It developed from a meeting hosted by the U.S. National Endowment for the Humanities and the University of Maryland, College Park, April 12-13, 2007 in Washington, D.C., and is a response to the American Council of Learned Societies report on Cyberinfrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciences, published in 2006. Since its inception in April 2007, centerNet has added over 200 members from about 100 centers in 19 countries. Regional centerNet affiliates have been established in Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, and the U.K. and Ireland, each with a steering committee. In  2009, centerNet became a founding member with DARIAH, CLARIN, PROJECT BAMBOO, and ADHO of CHAIN: the Coalition of Humanities and Arts Infrastructures and Networks. In June 2010, centerNet formally affiliated with the Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes (CHCI) in order to pursue an ambitious agenda of initiatives on matters of mutual interest.  Together, the two organizations hope to foster disciplinary innovation and transformation in the humanities.

If you think your center is a digital humanities center, in whole or in part, then we???d be glad to have you join the network. We leave the definition of ???digital humanities??? up to you, but we intend to be inclusive, and we know that there will be cross-over into the social sciences, media studies, digital arts, and other related areas. This might include humanities centers with a strong interest in or focus on digital platforms.  One caveat???a ???center??? should be larger than a single project, and it should have some history or promise of persistence.

\textbf{Asia Pacific Steering Committee}

Byoung-il Choi,Visiting Professor of Philosophy, Duksung Women???s University, Korea

Jieh Hsiang, (Chair)Distinguished Professor in Computer Science, Director, Research Center for Digital Humanities, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Jane Hunter,Professorial Research Fellow \& Leader of the eResearch Lab, School of ITEE, University of Queensland, Australia

Mitsuyuki Inaba, (Secretary)Professor, College of Policy Science \& Graduate School of Policy Science, Project Leader, Web technology group, Digital Humanities Center for Japanese Arts and Culture, Ritsumeikan University, Japan

Feicheng Ma,Professor and Director, Center for Studies of Information Resources, Wuhan University, China

\textbf{Europe Steering Committee}

Marin DacosDirector, Centre for Open Electronic Publishing (Cl??o), France

Andrea BozziProfessor Linguistics, Director, Institute for Computational Linguistics of the Italian National Centre for Research, Italy

Jan Christoph MeisterProfessor of Modern German Literature, University of Hamburg, Germany

Patrik SvensonSenior Lecturer in Humanities and Information Technology, Director, HUMlab, Umea University, Sweden

Peter WittenburgHead, Technical Group, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

\textbf{North American Steering Committee}

Susan BrownDirector, Orlando Project, Project Leader, Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory, Professor, School of English and Theatre Studies

Dan CohenDirector, Center for History and New Media, Associate Professor of History, George Mason University

Michael Eberle-SinatraAssociate Professor of English, University of Montreal, Julia Flanders, Director, Women Writers Project, Brown University

Neil FraistatDirector, Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities, Professor of English, University of Maryland College Park

Bethany NowviskieDirector of Digital Research \& Scholarship at the University of Virginia Library and Associate Director of the Scholarly Communication Institute

Dean RehbergerDirector, MATRIX, Michigan State University

Geoffrey RockwellProfessor of Philosophy, University of Alberta

John UnsworthDean of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign

Raymond G. SiemensDirector, Digital Humanities Summer Institute, Professor of English, University of Victoria, British ColumbiaStefan SinclairAssistant Professor, Multimedia, McMaster University

Katherine WalterCo-Director, Center for Digital Research in the Humanities, Professor of Libraries, University of Nebraska-LincolnUK and Ireland Steering Committee

Daisy AbbotDigital Design Studio, Glasgow School of Art and Design, Scotland

Ann GowActing Director, Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute, University of Glasgow, Scotland

Catherine HardmanCollection Development Manager , Archeology Data Service , University of York, England

Lorna HughesDeputy Director, Center for e-Research, King???s College London, England

Michael PiddTechnology Development Manager, Humanities Research Institute, Sheffield University, England

Andrew PrescottDirector of Research, Humanities Advanced Technology \& Information Institute, University of Glasgow, Scotland

David RobeyArts and Humanities Consultant, Oxford e-Research Centre, Oxford University, England

Melissa TerrasSenior Lecturer in Electronic Communication and Deputy Director, Centre for Digital Humanities, University College London, England

Martin WynneHead, Oxford Text Archive, Liaison to Oxford e-Research Centre, Oxford University, England


ADHO ??? Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations

CHAIN ??? Coalition of Humanities and Arts Infrastructures and Networks

CHCI ??? Consortium of humanities centers and institutes

CLARIN ??? Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure

DARIAH ??? Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities

Project Bamboo




\subsubsection{ FRENCH }

CenterNet est un r??seau international d'??quipes sp??cialis??es en humanit??s num??riques ("Digital Humanities centers") r??unis pour construire une action collective, sur une base collaborative, ayant pour objectif de d??velopper les humanit??s num??riques, en g??n??ral, et les cyberinfrastructures pour les sciences humaines et sociales, en particulier. Le r??seau est n?? lors d'une rencontre accueillie par l'U.S. National Endowment for the Humanities et par l'Universit?? du Maryland (College Park), les 12 et 13 avril 2007, ?? Washington, D.C. Le r??seau est une r??ponse au rapport de l'American Council of Learned Societies sur les Cyberinfrastructure dans le domaine des sciences humaines et sociales, publi?? en 2006

CenterNet regroupe aujourd'hui 200 membres, issus d'environ 100 centres, dans 19 pays. Des p??les "r??gionaux" ont ??t?? mis en place en Asie pacifique, en Europe, en Am??rique du Nord, et au Royaume-Uni et Irlande. Chaque p??le dispose d'un comit?? de pilotage.

En 2009, CenterNet est devenu membre fondateur de CHAIN (Coalition of Humanities and Arts Infrastructures and Networks), en association avec DARIAH, CLARIN, PROJECT BAMBOO et ADHO. En juin 2010, CenterNet a officiellement rejoint le Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes (CHCI), afin de poursuivre un programme ambitieux d'initiatives d'int??r??t commun. Ensemble, les deux organisations entendent d??velopper l'innovation et la transformation des sciences humaines et sociales.

Si vous pensez que votre centre est un centre sp??cialis?? en humanit??s num??rique, globalement, ou seulement pour une partie, nous serions heureux de vous voir rejoindre le r??seau. C'est ?? vous de d??finir les humanit??s num??riques, ou les Digital Humanities, pour savoir si vous en faites partie. Cependant, nous avons l'ambition d'??tre accueillants et ouverts. Nous savons qu'il y aura des situations croisant les sciences sociales, l'??tude des m??dias, les arts num??riques et d'autres sp??cialit??s proches. Cette d??finition peut inclure des laboratoires de sciences humaines d??veloppant un fort int??r??t sur les plateformes num??riques. Nous devons enfin pr??ciser que la d??finition d'un "center" doit d??passer les contours d'un simple projet isol??\nolinebreak: il faut s'inscrire dans la dur??e et avoir d??j?? des r??alisations ?? son actif.

\\\textbf{Comit?? de pilotage pour l'Asie pacifique}

Byoung-il Choi,Visiting Professor of Philosophy, Duksung Women???s University, Korea

Jieh Hsiang, (Chair)Distinguished Professor in Computer Science, Director, Research Center for Digital Humanities, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Jane Hunter,Professorial Research Fellow \& Leader of the eResearch Lab, School of ITEE, University of Queensland, Australia

Mitsuyuki Inaba, (Secretary)Professor, College of Policy Science \& Graduate School of Policy Science, Project Leader, Web technology group, Digital Humanities Center for Japanese Arts and Culture, Ritsumeikan University, Japan

Feicheng Ma,Professor and Director, Center for Studies of Information Resources, Wuhan University, China

\textbf{Comit?? de pilotage pour l'Europe}

Marin DacosDirector, Centre for Open Electronic Publishing (Cl??o), France

Andrea BozziProfessor Linguistics, Director, Institute for Computational Linguistics of the Italian National Centre for Research, Italy

Jan Christoph MeisterProfessor of Modern German Literature, University of Hamburg, Germany

Patrik SvensonSenior Lecturer in Humanities and Information Technology, Director, HUMlab, Umea University, Sweden

Peter WittenburgHead, Technical Group, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

\textbf{Comit?? de pilotage pour l'Am??rique du Nord}

Susan BrownDirector, Orlando Project, Project Leader, Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory, Professor, School of English and Theatre Studies

Dan CohenDirector, Center for History and New Media, Associate Professor of History, George Mason University

Michael Eberle-SinatraAssociate Professor of English, University of Montreal, Julia Flanders, Director, Women Writers Project, Brown University

Neil FraistatDirector, Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities, Professor of English, University of Maryland College Park

Bethany NowviskieDirector of Digital Research \& Scholarship at the University of Virginia Library and Associate Director of the Scholarly Communication Institute

Dean RehbergerDirector, MATRIX, Michigan State University

Geoffrey RockwellProfessor of Philosophy, University of Alberta

John UnsworthDean of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign

Raymond G. SiemensDirector, Digital Humanities Summer Institute, Professor of English, University of Victoria, British ColumbiaStefan SinclairAssistant Professor, Multimedia, McMaster University

Katherine WalterCo-Director, Center for Digital Research in the Humanities, Professor of Libraries, University of Nebraska-LincolnUK and Ireland Steering Committee

Daisy AbbotDigital Design Studio, Glasgow School of Art and Design, Scotland

Ann GowActing Director, Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute, University of Glasgow, Scotland

Catherine HardmanCollection Development Manager , Archeology Data Service , University of York, England

Lorna HughesDeputy Director, Center for e-Research, King???s College London, England

Michael PiddTechnology Development Manager, Humanities Research Institute, Sheffield University, England

Andrew PrescottDirector of Research, Humanities Advanced Technology \& Information Institute, University of Glasgow, Scotland

David RobeyArts and Humanities Consultant, Oxford e-Research Centre, Oxford University, England

Melissa TerrasSenior Lecturer in Electronic Communication and Deputy Director, Centre for Digital Humanities, University College London, England

Martin WynneHead, Oxford Text Archive, Liaison to Oxford e-Research Centre, Oxford University, England

\textbf{Affili??s - Partenaires}

ADHO ??? Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations

CHAIN ??? Coalition of Humanities and Arts Infrastructures and Networks

CHCI ??? Consortium of humanities centers and institutes

CLARIN ??? Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure

DARIAH ??? Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities

Project Bamboo


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