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ADHO - Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) is anumbrella organization that acts to promote digital research andteaching across its constitution organizations. The ADHO wasofficially formed in 2005 with it's two founding members theALLC and the ACH.[1]

*ADHO is currently comprised of four main organizations:

  • Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing (ALLC)
  • Association for Computer and the Humanities (ACH)
  • The Society for Digital for Digital Humanities/La Soci??t?? pour l'??tude des M??dia Interactif (SDH-SEMI)
  • centerNet (joining in 2012)

The main purpose of the ADHO is to manage the Conferences and Publications common to all it's constituent organizations.


*DHThe Digital Humanities Conference (DH) is the main conference inHumanities Computing held annually by the ADHO in the summer. Theconference is held in universities alternating each year betweenNorth America and Europe. The DH is a combined conferenceoriginally created by merging independent conferences held by theALLC and the ACH in 1989.[2]


*LLCThe main publication on ADHO is "Literary &Linguist Computing - The Journal of Digital Scholarship in theHumanities" (LLC). It is a scholarly journal publishedquarterly at Oxford originally on behalf of the ALLC, but has sincebecome the flagship publication of the ADHO. The journal is aninternational journal that covers all aspects of computing andinformation technology and their applications to the humanities.[3]


ADHO oversees 4 awards for outstanding contributions. Theseawards are shared by the ADHO constituent.

  • The Roberto Busa Prize for lifetime/career achievement;
  • The Antonio Zampolli Prize for a singular project or accomplishment;
  • Conference Bursary Awards to assist students or young scholars to present at the annual conference;
  • The Paul Fortier Prize for the best young scholar paper of the conference.

ALLC - Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing

The Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing wasfounded in 1973 and is also a founding member of the ADHO. It wascreated to support the application of computing in the study oflanguage and literature. This goal has since been broadened toencompass all of the all techniques used in the Digital Humanities.Including: text analysis, language corpora, history, art history,music, manuscript studies, image processing and electroniceditions. [4]

The ALLC is mainly based out of Europe and supports manyworkshops, projects and publication in Humanities Computingstudies. The ALLC's main publication the LLC was choose to bethe flagship publication of the ADHO.

ACH - Association for Computer and the Humanities

The Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) foundedin 1978 is a founding member of the ADHO. It was created to supportresearch and to cultivate a vibrant professional community in thehumanities computing. ACH is based out of the US, but also boastsan international membership.[5]

ACH also provides sponsorships for students to go to conferencesas well as providing funding for some projects, development, andresearch.


Digital Humanities Quarterly is an open-access journal ofdigital humanities published under a creative commons license,supported by ACH and the ADHO.[6]

SDH-SEMI -The Society for Digital for Digital Humanities/La Soci??t?? pour l'??tude des M??dia Interactif

The Society for Digital Humanities / Soci??t?? pour l'??tudedes m??dias interactifs founded in 1986 is a the Canadian basedmember of the ADHO. It was originally called the Consortium forComputers in the Humanities / Consortium pour ordinateurs ensciences humaines. Its objective is to draw together humanists whoare engaged in digital and computer-assisted research, teaching,and creation.

The society supports interaction between scholers in both ofCanada's official language(French and English), as well asproviding opprotunities for publication presentation andcollaboration among its members. It also supports a number ofeducational venues and international initiatives as well as actingas an advisory and lobbying force to local, national, andinternational research and research-funding bodies. SDH become amember of ADHO in 2007. [7]


SDH-SEMI holds an annual Canadian conference in HumanitiesComputing. It began on 1997 under the name of COCH-COSH (Consortiumfor Computers in the Humanities/Consortium pur Ordinateurs enSciences Humaines). Since 2006, the conference has been run underthe name SDH-SEMI. The conference is hosted in the summer.


Digital Studies(DS) / Le champ num??rique(CN) is a refereedacademic open access journal published under a creative commonslicense. DS/CN was founded for SDH-SEMI at the Electronic TextualCultures Lab in the University of Victoria in 2008.[8]


centerNet is an international network of digital humanities centers formed for cooperative and collaborative action to benefit digital humanities and allied fields in general, and centers as humanities cyberinfrastructure in particular. It developed from a meeting hosted by the U.S. National Endowment for the Humanities and the University of Maryland, College Park, April 12-13, 2007 in Washington, D.C., and is a response to the American Council of Learned Societies report on Cyberinfrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciences, published in 2006. Since its inception in April 2007, centerNet has added over 200 members from about 100 centers in 19 countries.[9]

centerNet will become a constituent member of the ADHO in 2012.

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